TV screening of company by project partner
Ressource City, one of our partners in the...
Baltic Industrial Symbiosis
We are back in our office in Kalundborg after three days in St Petersburg, Russia’s second-largest city, where we participated in XVIII ANNUAL STRATEGIC PLANNING LEADERS FORUM OF THE REGIONS AND CITIES OF RUSSIA.
We had a very inspiring couple of days...
New article about our Russian partners in project BIS
“Russian partners will add a broader perspective and input, e.g. by engaging Russian enterprises in project activities, organizing knowledge exchange and creating an industrial symbiosis Living Lab in Russia, providing a platform for testing actual and practical implementation of Industrial Symbiosis in an area with limited experience with the model”...
Ressource City, one of our partners in project BIS, has been named a trailblazer of the green transition
Congratulations to Ressource City, one of our partners in the “Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” project, on being named a trailblazer of the green transition in the...
Two of our projects represented at the regional exchange and learning workshop in Gdansk on May 16
Our Interreg BSR project ”Baltic Industrial Symbiosis” and Horizon 2020 “Project Ô” were represented at the regional exchange and learning workshop in Gdansk on May 16 this year, arranged by the BONUS RETURN project. We are...
Succesful first Peer-to-Peer event in project BIS
Last week, Symbiosis Center Denmark, Kalundborg Symbiosis and Ressource City in Næstved hosted the first peer-to-peer event under our Interreg Baltic Sea Region project Baltic Industrial Symbiosis (BIS). The purpose of the event was to establish peer-to-peer exchange..
New article on Kalundborg Symbiosis and our projects
Read the latest edition of the handbook "Green Law and Praxis" and learn more about our projects UBIS and BIS. In an article by Nina A. Jensen...
General Assembly Meeting for Project Ô
The past two days (June 17th and 18th) we have attended the annual General Assembly Meeting for Project Ô at Turin University, Italy.
It has been most interesting hearing the partners talking about their progress and activities in the work packages as well as the initiatives from all the demo sites.
Topics of the days have included...
Final conference for project UBIS
Please join us for the final conference of our project UBIS in Vilnius on October 9.
You will get the chance to hear from project partners who have established new industrial symbioses and get access to...
Baltic Industrial Symbiosis project is well underway
Symbiosis Center Denmark has hosted a webinar where the BIS project partners were going through a screening tool for the mapping of secondary resource streams in enterprises. The tool was developed by Symbiosis Center Denmark, as a first step within Work Package 2 (WP 2). At this stage...
Første oplysende LowTEMP-video er nu klar
Den første video udarbejdet af LowTEMP-projektet er nu klar og oppe på LowTEMP-projektets YouTube-kanal.Videoen omhandler hvad LowTEMP-projektet beskæftiger sig med og fordelene ved metoderne, samt...
Artikel om UBIS og Kalundborg Symbiosen i “World best practices Magazine”
I den 31. udgave af “World best practices Magazine” har Kalundborg Symbiosen fået tildelt en 6 sider lang artikel, skrevet og publiceret af Global Forum On Human Settlements (GFHS).
Under overskriften "Industrial symbiosis beyond Kalundborg" nævner artklen UBIS med følgende ord: ”In the project Urban Baltic Industrial Symbiosis (UBIS), funded by Interreg South Baltic...
Interview med Centralrøgeriet fra Køge
I forbindelse med projektet Rest til Ressource fik Centralrøgeriet foretaget en gennemgang af deres virksomhed i Køge. Igennem projektet fik de rådgiverhjælp til at finde løsninger på de udfordringer der blev identificeret ved gennemgangen af deres produktion. Interviewet herunder er en kort opsummering af ...
Besøg fra UNIDO og Vietnam
Den 8. maj 2018 modtog Dansk SymbioseCenter en delegation bestående af UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization) og vietnamesiske embedsmænd med Mr. Nguyen Van Trung, Viceminister for Planlægnings- og Investeringsministeriet (Ministry of Planning and Investment), i spidsen. Som en del af deres studietur i Europa...
Afsluttende konference for projekt Rest til Ressource
D. 3. Maj 2018 afholdt Dansk Symbiosecenter den afsluttende konference for det EU Regionalfondsstøttede projekt Rest til Ressource, hvor omkring 40 ansatte og ledere fra kommuner, regioner og erhvervscentre deltog, for at høre om de resultater projektet har opnået samt...